
Just before it goes into archives

Just before we enter the new year and another SATYRYKON edition, let’s watch it for the first (and last) time on the Internet. Whole post-competition Satyrykon 2014 exhibition.Great thanks once again to our “female jury” which selected it and all the wonderful participants.Due to your talents, sensitivity and sense of humour it went pretty well, didn’t …

Just before it goes into archives Przeczytaj całość

Kalendarz i wernisaż czyli... (2)

Calendar and varnishing day, so…

… it’s good to be Legnica citizen Such moments are worth remembering. Cross-generation crowd in Satyrykon Gallery. And well-known in Legnica faces in the crowd – civil servants, teachers, frequent visitors and the ones who have just come here for the first time. Plenty of photos fill local press services at once. The author, although …

Calendar and varnishing day, so… Przeczytaj całość

4 lata Galerii Satyrykon (2)

4 years of Satyrykon Gallery

Are only the even anniversaries  worth mentioning? Four years is quite a lot, isn’t it? It’s been for exactly four years that Satyrykon, after 33 years of its existence, has had his own gallery. On 10th December 2010 Satyrykon Gallery started its activity with Marcin Bondarowicz’s exhibition and the promotion of Tomasz Broda’s “Literaturity show” calendar. …

4 years of Satyrykon Gallery Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon’s 2015 calendar promotion

Looking from Legnica point of view 2014 was Crihana’s year. Well, it’s not every day that the town happens to be summarised this way and it’s always worth talking about. It would be very nice once such promotion swing could repeat with other satyrykon actions… Some of impressions related to “Legnica. Satirical impressions” exhibition can …

Satyrykon’s 2015 calendar promotion Przeczytaj całość

Ci wspaniali Bułgarzy! (4)

Those wonderful Bulgarians!

(a propos the exhibition in The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw) Since 1985 they have been present at every satyrykon exhibition. In the middle of the 80-ies they were the real power – for example, 25 Bulgarian drawers qualified for the exhibition in 1986. Ałła and Chawdar Georgievy, Valentin Georgiev, Rumen Dragostinov, …

Those wonderful Bulgarians! Przeczytaj całość

Crihana na bis

Cihana encore

All exhibitions are important, from time to time though, there happens one which attracts particular attention. The close to heart topic does matter. It turned out that for Legnica residents Florian Doru Crihana’a “Satirical Impressions” had been presented for to short and in an inconvenient time (summer holidays). It needs to be stated that since …

Cihana encore Przeczytaj całość

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