Among those who have their plaques are: Eryk Lipiński, Andrzej Waligórski, Andrzej Tomiałojć, Sławian Trocki, Antoni Chodorowski, Andrzej Legus, Agnieszka Osiecka, Jonasz Kofta, Wiesław Dymny, Piotr Skrzynecki, Jeremi Przybora, Jerzy Wasowski, Jan Kaczmarek, Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz, Stefania Grodzieńska, Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz, Tomasz Jura, Zygmunt Januszewski, Anna Gosławska Lipińska (Ha-Ga), Andrzej Czeczot, Maciej Zembaty, Sławomir Mrożek, Wojciech Młynarski, Maria Czubaszek and Zdzisław Smektała.
The plaques bear text and sculpted image, therefore the text is rather lapidary. They have been designed by Tomasz Broda, a graphic artist (the projects were released by Zygmunt Januszewski till his death), and they have been cast by Tomasz Ross, a sculptor from Zakopane.
Memorial Plaques
Find collection of memorial plaques below.
graphic artist, journalist, satirist
founder of a satirical weekly ‘SZPILKI’
and the Museum of Caricature in Warsaw
poet, radio journalist
cabaret author and co-founder of STUDIO 202
culture animator, friend of artists
co-founder of SATYRYKON
painter, writer, screenwriter, actor and satirist
co-founder of Piwnica Pod Baranami cabaret
humorist, comedy writer, poet, writer
co-founder of Kabaret Starszych Panów
[Elderly Gentlemen’s Cabaret]
and Its Great Master
composer, radio journalist
co-founder of Kabaret Starszych Panów
[Elderly Gentlemen’s Cabaret]
and Its Great Master
poet, satirist, songwriter
co-founder of ELITA cabaret
Master of graphics and others…
actress, dancer, satirist
journalist, writer, film critic and screenwriter
chief editor of ‘SZPILKI’ weekly
graphic artist, cartoonist, poet, professor at the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw
author of the Satyrykon statue, FILIP
cartoonist, satirist, graphic artist
professor at the Fine Arts Academy in Katowice
female cartoonist, illustrator
graphic artist, cartoonist, animated movies maker
poet, satirist, musician, bard
playwright, writer, cartoonist
poet, songwriter, translator, director, stage artist
female writer, satirist, songwriter
Blues Brother, ‘talk of the town’ writer, writer, actor