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Magda Wosik w Galerii Satyrykon (3)

Encounters with illustration – Magda Wosik

There’s no need to introduce Magda Wosik to anyone in Legnica – everyone knows her. We’ve been admiring her sophisticated drawings (and linocuts) with accurate punchline at different Satyrykon exhibitions for many years. A bigger range of them appeared at Satyrykon Gallery in the form of individual exhibition as soon as in 2011. Two years …

Encounters with illustration – Magda Wosik Przeczytaj całość

W Galerii Satyrykon - Katarzyna Domżalska

The new exhibition at Satyrykon Gallery. Katarzyna Domżalska

She’s disobedient and full of contradictions. She can illustrate anything that comes into her hand and that’s just one of her many skills. As much as with illustration she occupies herself with the animation (you can easily find the films she makes with Radomił Folcik on Youtube). Her posters, covers, press illustrations and works she …

The new exhibition at Satyrykon Gallery. Katarzyna Domżalska Przeczytaj całość

LAF 2016 czyli "Corpus delicti"

Jakub Woynarowski at Satyrykon Gallery

The exhibition „Corpus Delicti” is an addendum to the book devoted to the artistic work of Walerian Borowczyk. Some useful links: “Corpus delicti” – Introduction: version below) about Jakub Woynarowski: The artistic work of Jakub Jakub Woynarowski “Revolution! Revelation!”- Preface to “Sharp eye skills” Akademy o fine Arts in Katowice (Satyrykon 12014) We also …

Jakub Woynarowski at Satyrykon Gallery Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon in Saint Petersburg

A bad workman blames his tools? But outstanding caricaturists, hosts and guests had no need to blame anything that day.The varnishing day of the exhibition called „Ballet, theatre and cabaret in Saint Petersburg in Vladimir Mecler’s lens” on 1st July 2016. Thank you.

„Balet, teatr, kabaret” w Petersburgu. Kabaret. (4)

“Ballet, theatre and cabaret” in Saint Petersburg. Cabaret.

Arkady Raikin Variety Theatre, Gennady Litynsky, Satyrykon 2007 The playbill of the exhibition in Petersburg contains one of the most loved Satyrykon cartoons ever. No wonder it’s exactly this one. It perfectly matches the place – Raikin Variety Theatre (Russia’s first professional stage theatre). Florian Doru Crihana, Jurij Kosobukin Ten years ago, a cabaret was …

“Ballet, theatre and cabaret” in Saint Petersburg. Cabaret. Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon w Pitrze

Satyrykon in Saint Petersburg

Just a glimpse at the cartoons in gallery proves that Russians don’t have too much respect for their national art – ballet. A multiplied noble convention inspires them to laughter rather than poetry. Bogorad, Shilov and even Popov. The list is endless… Aleksandr Sergeev, Sajad Raffei Other nations are also good at finding some practical use …

Satyrykon in Saint Petersburg Przeczytaj całość