
From Roobence to Pikaso – art history according to Tomasz Broda

It seems useless to talk about Tomasz Broda’s Exhibition “From Roobence to Pikaso”, presented in Museum of Contemporary Art in Wrocław for the first time and one of the most important artistic events of the recent years, as so much has already been said about it… However, going to see it at Ring Gallery in …

From Roobence to Pikaso – art history according to Tomasz Broda Przeczytaj całość

Od Rubęsa do Picassa czyli


or Tomasz Broda’s Story of Art. Roobence – just the first glanceFreeda Kalo – a marsmallow!Take two Pikasos and four DewrersYou will receive a perfect muralEndie Worol – your painterly rock’n’rollWith Vandike you’ll get a Facebook “like”The name Vangog provides a fancy blogThe world demands masterpieces Therefore I made these, with kisses Tomasz Broda THE …


Skłonności? Do twórczości.

Creative skills

talking to professor Gabriel Kołat, The Strzemiński Academy of Arts Łódź Satyrykon: Working over this year’s “Sharp-eye skills” is run in some peculiar secret. What should we expect? Gabriel Kołat: All creative work by our students is kept secret which is good for them and for us, the pedagogues. Giving the burden of self-assessment into their …

Creative skills Przeczytaj całość

Na tyle zły (4)

I might be so bad

talking to Grzegorz Myćka, Satyrykon 2016 Gold Medal winner You’re a poster maker, graphic artist, and a musician as well. All your projects present some amount of, so called, “social engagement”. Despite being exhibited in quite a rude company, during the last year’s “Sharp-eye skills” your works drew attention with their sharpness, and a sense …

I might be so bad Przeczytaj całość

Wózki Geppa (2)

Gepp’s prams

When it was announced, at Satyrykon 2016 press conference, that Gerhard Gepp was the winner of Grand Prix, the local media described the winning drawing as “rather modest” revealing bits of their surprise that such an unimpressive cartoon had been awarded that highest prize. A moment later, most fierce (and most mechanical, let us add) …

Gepp’s prams Przeczytaj całość

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