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Katarzyna Bogucka „Sale” Andrei Popov „Sale” Just a perfect example to show the differences between Satyrykon individualities. Bogucka, as usual, in three colours (already her trade mark), here intensive enough to show the level of emotions. Dynamics, the wealth of details and apparent chaos – obviously well-thought-of. The characters – quite a big range of social …

Sale? Przeczytaj całość

All special prizes awarded

All the winners of this year’s Satyrykon special prizes have already been announced. Legnica journalists gathered today to award for the 23rd time their award in the name of Anrzej Waligórski. This year’s winner is Katarzyna Księżopolska for her work “Pure enthusiasm”. SATYRYKON`s Andrzej Tomiałojć Foundation award went to Saman Torabi (Iran) for the work “Dream of peacock”. Let’s just remind …

All special prizes awarded Przeczytaj całość

Fellowship of the kings and princes of Poland in Satyrykon Gallery

Katarzyna Bogucka is well recognised individual in the world of illustration. Her run of good luck lasts as she keeps being mentioned in prestigious international publications, being awarded different prizes and most of all she’s enjoying the interest and liking of the readers manifested in many different forms. Aleksander Fredro „The monkey in the bath” illus. Katarzyna …

Fellowship of the kings and princes of Poland in Satyrykon Gallery Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon 2015 – exhibition index

Vladimir ABROYAN (AM) Creative enthusiasm at the funeral of illusionistMirosław ADAMCZYK (PL) VGR 100, XXXHector APOSTOLOPOULOS (GR) 100 HedgehogsBartolomé Matas ATIENZA (E) XXXHalit Kurtulnus AYTOSLU (TR) GuillotineWitold Marian BARBARA (S) Rats plagueCristina BERNAZZANI (I) My last lucky starŁukasz BOGDAN (PL) Celebrities’ Contest ShowKatarzyna BOGUCKA (PL) Sale **Marina BONDARENKO (RUS) XXXTomasz BRODA (PL) Freedom, Reminding women of mine while cleaning cat’s litter boxPrzemysław BUKOWSKI (PL) FacebookolozisAngelo CAMPANER (I) XXXMarco DE ANGELIS (I) InspirationPaweł DELEKTA (PL) New music in Paris, SmileLuc DESCHEEMAEKER (B) Teddy **, BublesLex DREWIŃSKI (D/PL) Double work **, Rainbow – Russian wayMakhmudjon ESHONKULOV (UZ) Create condition for young artistJacek FRĄCKIEWICZ (PL) WindmillMaciej FRONCZAK (PL) PiscesIwona GABRYŚ (PL) Royal Baby number 2Ehsan GANJI (IR) XXXAlessandro GATTO (I) Reflection **, At a pier, Burden of …

Satyrykon 2015 – exhibition index Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon 2015 - werdykt jury (6)

Satyrykon 2015. Jury verdict

The  protocolof the jury session of International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 201521 February 2015 Jury represented by:The chairmanEUGENIUSZ SKORWIDER (PL) MembersBERNARD BOUTON (F)RUDY GHEYSENS (B)MONIKA HANULAK (PL)ELŻBIETA LASKOWSKA (PL)ELŻBIETA PIETRASZKO (PL)SERGEY SICHENKO (IL)JIRI SLIVA (CZ) having seen 2.222 works by 606 authors, who come from 51 countries of the world, the Jury has decided to qualify 147 …

Satyrykon 2015. Jury verdict Przeczytaj całość

Jury Satyrykonu 2015

Satyrykon 2015 Jury

Bernard Bouton (F)a satirical cartoonist Rudy Gheysens (B)President European Cartoon Centre Kruishoutem Monika Hanulak (PL)a designer, illustrator, lecturer at The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw Elżbieta Laskowska (PL)an art historian, Director of Warsaw Museum of Caricature Elżbieta Pietraszko (PL)Satyrykon 2015 program author and organizer Sergey Sichenko (IL)a cartoonist, winner of Satyrykon 2014 Grand Prix Eugeniusz …

Satyrykon 2015 Jury Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon Legnica 2014 Jury verdict

The  protocolof the jury session of International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 201422 February 2014 Jury represented by:The chairmanMARILENA NARDI (I) MembersMARINA BONDARENKO (RUS)AGATA DUDEK (PL)SABINE GLAUBITZ (F)ANNA MACHWIC-ADAMKIEWICZ (PL)ELŻBIETA PIETRASZKO (PL)MARLENE POHLE (D)KAJA RENKAS (PL) having seen 2.244 works by 615 authors, who come from 50 countries of the world, the Jury has decided to qualify …

Satyrykon Legnica 2014 Jury verdict Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon Legnica 2014 Program

13th June 2014 (Friday) International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 2014Copper Museum in Legnica SATYRYKON 2014post-competition exhibition opening –ul. NMP in Legnica (near Satyrykon Knave Statue)13th June 2014, 5.00 p.m.(before opening – unveiling of memory tables dedicated toZygmunt Januszewski and Tomasz Jura) FLORIAN DORU CRIHANA LEGNICA – satirical impressionsRING Gallery in Legnicaexhibition opening 13th June, 6.30 p.m. GEORGE VAN RAEMDONCK – drawingsSATYRYKON Gallery …

Satyrykon Legnica 2014 Program Przeczytaj całość

Stefan Despodov (1950-2015)

Stefan Despodov Satyrykon 2006, Satyrykon 2003, Satyrykon 2005 We were admiring his works at Satyrykon for several years. They were repeatedly nominated for awards – to mention Dwarfs’ parade presented at Satyrykon 2005 – and they planted themselves deep in our memories similarly to the ones which were actually awarded. In our post-competition exhibitions we …

Stefan Despodov (1950-2015) Przeczytaj całość