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Satyrykon Legnica 2018

Satyrykon Legnica 2018

Friday 13 seems to be a proper day to announce the news in regard to Satyrykon 2018 theme. To search for empathy in yourself on in the others you have time till 2nd February 2018.So set to work!

Młodzi pieprzą (8)


Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE IT HOT: “SHARP-EYE SKILLS” ALSO OUTSIDE LEGNICA  Varieties of pepper, from cayenne pepper to chili, curcuma, garlic or ginger. The whole palette (oh, the colours of them all!) of delicious but in some cases hot as hell spices, along with evil sensations on our tongues, somehow always connotes “Sharp-eye skills” …

YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE IT HOT Przeczytaj całość

Najlepsze debiuty Satyrykonu 2017 (2)

Best debuts of Satyrykon 2017. Reinaldo Pagan Avila

In the awarded by this year Satyrykon work a raven and a toucan are meeting beak to beak. It is a motif of a reflection which creates or demystifies illusions about ourselves – we know it so well indeed. However, this selfie, an extremely easy act of self-creation which has become a symbol of our …

Best debuts of Satyrykon 2017. Reinaldo Pagan Avila Przeczytaj całość

JASIEK ZBORUCKI & Przyjaciele (1)


Jasiek Zborucki is an individual who can appreciate the beauty of the Polish speech on daily basis, who eagerly studies its nuances and who’s this beauty and linguistic correctness indefatigable protector. He’s probably well known to all his workmates as an unbearable purist who points out, without pleasure but pleasantly, their real and alleged errors. …

JASIEK ZBORUCKI & Friends Przeczytaj całość