
Satyrykon 2018 at Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw (1)

Satyrykon 2018 at Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw

International Exhibition Satyrykon – Legnica 2018 The turn of 2018 and 2019 at the Museum of Caricature will pass under the sign Satyrykon.Satyrykon is one of the most important satirical drawing competitions in the world. Every year, both young and old artists, professionals and amateurs from different parts of the world take part in it. This …

Satyrykon 2018 at Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon Legnica 2019

Ladies and Gentelmans…. We begin the 42nd edition of Satyrykon! Regulations – prepared. Application cards – prepared. The unfortunate General Data Protection Regulation, which all we have to face this year – also prepared.And theme… Yes, theme is ready too.We accept works until February 2, 2019  in the following categories: I – Theme: STOP II – SATIRE …

Satyrykon Legnica 2019 Przeczytaj całość

Works qualified for the exhibition.

MOHAMMOD HOSSEIN AKBARI (IR) – Kings *N, Judge. Unfair justice ASKIN ARANCIOGLU (TR) – XXX DORU AXINTE  (RO) – Common feeling **, Super empathy AHMET AYKANAT (TR) – Chamaeleon BARTŁOMIEJ BIELNIAK (PL) – XXX ANGEL BOLIGAN CORBO (MEX) – Rivarly and friendship *N, Reconciliation MARINA BONDARENKO (RUS) – A Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, A boy and a cross TOMASZ BRODA (PL) – Polish camp ** SEYAN CAFERLI (AZ) – XXX  *N, XXX *N WEIDONG …

Works qualified for the exhibition. Przeczytaj całość

werdykt jury Satyrykonu 2018-1

Jury verdict 2018

The protocolof the jury session of International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 201817 February 2018 Jury represented by:The chairmanOSKAR WEISS (CH) MembersKONSTANTIN KAZANCHEV (UA)MAŁGORZATA LAZAREK (PL)HOUMAYOUN MAHMOUDI (GB)ADAM PĘKALSKI (PL)ELŻBIETA PIETRASZKO (PL)MAGDALENA WOSIK (PL) having seen 2.107 works by 584 authors, who come from 54 countries of the world, the Jury has awarded the following regular prizes: …

Jury verdict 2018 Przeczytaj całość

Zamaskowany świat Roberta Romanowicza (2)

Robert Romanowicz’s world in disguise

Contrary to other illustrators, Romanowicz is said not to  smuggle even smallest elements of auto-portrait into his works. If so, he could well at least take after this chap. The artist’s head full of ideas and his unlimited imagination count for one of our most precious regional and national goods! It is indeed worth to …

Robert Romanowicz’s world in disguise Przeczytaj całość

Belka i Słomka czyli Kalendarz Satyrykonu na 2018 r.

Beam and straw – Satyrykon 2018 calendar

Even if Marcin Markowski, preparing Poznań edition of “Sharp-eye Skills” in 2015, did not work as hard as e.g. Szymon Szymankiewicz, he has later made up for it indeed – having been a juror at Satyrykon 2017, socialising with us in June and, more presently, by creating the poster cover for the second “Sharp-eye Skills” …

Beam and straw – Satyrykon 2018 calendar Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon w Muzeum Karykatury w Warszawie 2017

Satyrykon 2017 at Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw

The varnishing day next Monday, 4 December 2017. Please feel invited… Tolerance is the theme of Satyrykon jubilee edition. Although it is the presumed attractiveness and significance to “the world” which stands behind our yearly choice of theme rather than any other “inner” or nostalgic reasons, this years’ topic finely summarizes the last forty years. …

Satyrykon 2017 at Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon 2017 exhibition

Satyrykon 2017 exhibition Belozerov-Sergei_Moose_kat Belozerov-Sergei_Wiosna_kat Belozerov-Sergei-Australijski-kapelusz Bersani-Andrea_Vudu-kat Bogorad-Victor_1-T Bogorad-Victor-_2 Bogorad-Victor-_3 Bogorad-Victor-_4 Bogorad-Victor_Przy-piwie_kat Bogorad-Victor_Sylwestrowe-okna_kat Bogorad-Victor_Uliczny-skrzypek_kat Cakmak-Huseyn-Peace-and-tolerance Catteuw-Willy_Jeunes-et-senior_kat Cavallerin-Sergio_Spring_kat Cavallerin-Sergio-Człowiek-i-kura-1 Cavallerin-Sergio-Pinokio-i-sowa Cavallerin-Sergio-Wschód-słońca-nad-jeziorem Chiorean-Cornel-Marin-Mięso-tolerancji Chmyriov-Valeriy_Lekcja-muzyki-młodego-skrzypka_kat Ćwikła-Jacek_Coexist_kat Dąbrowski-Dariusz_Kolumny_kat De-Angelis-Marco_Hands_kat Depta_Kleśta_Piotr-PLN Depta-Kleśta-Piotr_11-listopada_kat Dergachov-oleg_Google_kat Dergachov-Oleg-Czołgista Dergachov-Oleg-Rair-place Dergachov-Oleg-Zima Descheemaeker-Luc-Trump Drewiński-Lex_Ku-Klux-Bałwan_kat Drewiński-Lex-Tolerancja-1 Dubovsky-Alexander_Delusion_kat Ehrt-Reiner_Christian-islamic-dislogue_kat Erten-Murat_Odbicie_kat Eshonkulov-Makhmudjon_Troskliwy-klient_kat Frasunkiewicz-Maria_The-End_kat Frąckiewicz_Jacek-Narodowy-wzór Frąckiewicz-Jacek_Chlebem-i-solą_kat Frąckowiak-Lech_Duża-ryba_kat Gajewski-Stanisław_Dym-z-papierosa_kat Gajewski-Stanisław_Młody-Chopin_kat Gajewski-Stanisław-Chopin-z-udziałem-Drzwi-Ż Gajewski-Stanisław-T Gapińska-Alicja_Zółty-wśród-czarnych_kat Gatto-Aleksander_Inverno_kat Głuszek-Jerzy_Zatrzymany-w-locie_kat Gołaszewska-Justyna_Ręka-hak_kat Gomez-Claudio-Antonio_In-the-library_kat Gomez-Claudio-Antonio_Zamykanie-twarzy_kat Grabowski-Leonard_Dzięcioł_kat Grabowski-Leonard_Leśne-kibelki_kat Hemmat-Elham-Tolerancja …

Satyrykon 2017 exhibition Przeczytaj całość

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