
Why EGO?

We still have questions: why EGO? What is behind the uneasy topic of the satirical contest? Filip (our satyricon boy, a characteristic sculpture on NMP Street in Legnica) decided to ask the chairman of the Artistic Council of Satyrykon – prof. Eugeniusz Skorwider and the originator of the topic – WHY EGO?   Why EGO? …

Why EGO? Przeczytaj całość

We announce the 46th edition of the Satyrykon competition!

Satyrykon has been organized in Legnica since 1977. This is one of the world’s most important competitions for visual artists. Every year, Satyrykon receives thousands of works by artists from all over the world. For many years, the competition proposals can be sent in two thematic sections, in which the following prizes are awarded: gold, …

We announce the 46th edition of the Satyrykon competition! Przeczytaj całość

PINS (pl. Szpila Satyrykonu) for ARTUR ANDRUS

Artur Andrus is the laureate of Szpila Satyrykon 2022. A popular journalist, satirist and singer. For Satyrykon, he was the creator of the cabaret stage of the Legnica festival of satire as the summer. He opened the 40th anniversary of Satyrykon as a master of ceremonies. He also made bowls, which from 2013 selects the …

PINS (pl. Szpila Satyrykonu) for ARTUR ANDRUS Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon again in Warsaw!

 45. edycja Satyrykonu, czyli Międzynarodowa Wystawa SATYRYKON – Legnica 2022 ponownie zawita w Muzeum Karykatury im. E. Lipińskiego w Warszawie. Wystawa będzie prezentowana od 13 września do 23 października 2022 r. Na tegoroczny 45. Satyrykon zgłoszono 2500 prac 764 autorów z 65 krajów świata. Do wystawy pokonkursowej zakwalifikowano 188 prac. Prace oceniano w dwóch kategoriach …

Satyrykon again in Warsaw! Przeczytaj całość

NOT ONLY LEGS! Cabarets and revues of the interwar period in Poland

NOT ONLY LEGS! Cabarets and revues of the interwar period in Poland – H. Modrzejewska Theater in Legnica duration: June 14 – September 2, 2022 This exhibition serves as a reminder of the cabaret work of the interwar period in Poland. The narrative is based on fragments of texts by Julian Tuwim, Marian Hemar, Andrzej …

NOT ONLY LEGS! Cabarets and revues of the interwar period in Poland Przeczytaj całość

International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2023

Duration: June 9 – August 28, 2022 The jury of the 45th edition of the Satyrykon competition deliberated on March 5, 2022, consisting of: Szymon Szymankiewicz – chairman, Vasco Gargalo (Portugal), Janusz Kapusta (Poland), Ali Miraee (Iran), Peter Nieuwendijk (Belgium), Kaja Renkas (Poland) and Anita Wincencjusz-Patyna (Poland). The Satyrykon competition is an open competition, where …

International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2023 Przeczytaj całość

The exhibition SKETCH IS POWERFULL! For the second time in Legnica

SKETCH IS POWERFULL 2022 – post-competition exhibition at the RING Gallery. Duration: June 11 – August 14, 2022 The “Sketch is powerfull” competition was organized for the second time by the Legnica Cultural Center as an accompanying event to Satyrykon. The competition is aimed at pupils, students and graduates of art schools in Poland. 220 …

The exhibition SKETCH IS POWERFULL! For the second time in Legnica Przeczytaj całość

Best Debut of Satyrykon 2022 – Yurii Levshyn

Best Debut of Satyrykon 2022 – Yurii Levshyn SATYRYKON Gallery in Legnica duration:  June 7 – August 27, 2022 For many years, Satyrykon has been promoting young artists who are just entering adult artistic life – hence the additional award in the Satyrykon competition, Best Debut. This year, for the first time, the Satyrykon was …

Best Debut of Satyrykon 2022 – Yurii Levshyn Przeczytaj całość

kalendarz Satyrykon okładka

Calendar 2020 – SATYRYKON 10th Anniversary

SATYRYKON GALLERY CALLING AT ILLUSTRATION The Satyrykon Gallery is a very important place on the cultural map of Poland, let it be even for the reason that it is one of very few exhibition venues which dedicate both their concern and space to illustration in its widest meaning, and illustrators themselves. Within this group a …

Calendar 2020 – SATYRYKON 10th Anniversary Przeczytaj całość

To won Satyrykon is like being the top scorer in the Spanish football league!

Born in Iranian Tehran in 1979, the artist won the Grand Prix of this year’s edition of Satyrykon – his work „Communists!”. He immediately drew the attention of the jurors, and his political undertones were commented on by both the committee and satire lovers. Seyed Ali Miraee personally picked up this extremely important prize for …

To won Satyrykon is like being the top scorer in the Spanish football league! Przeczytaj całość

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