
Zygmunt Januszewski i Tomasz Jura. In memoriam (3)

Zygmunt Januszewski, Tomasz Jura. In memoriam

They would have been present in Legnica in their special way anyway. However, don’t the memory tables, designed by Tomasz Broda, reflect our warmest thoughts of Them?Zygmunt Januszewski himself was the author of the previously unveiled plaques, which makes impossible to capture the rush of feelings and reflections over this special situation… ZYGMUNT JANUSZEWSKI (1956-2013)A graphic …

Zygmunt Januszewski, Tomasz Jura. In memoriam Przeczytaj całość

Beetroot über alles

interview with Jacek Staniszewski Satyrykon: Your posters are often referred to as hard, controversial, scandalous. However, your Satyrykon series, despite including its perverse sense of humour, is rather subtle, poetic and inspiring a lot of various associations. I was just about to ask whether you’d dropped scandals and hard means for more indirect thought provoking …

Beetroot über alles Przeczytaj całość

SATYRYKON Legnica 2014

13th June 2014 (Friday) International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 2014Copper Museum in Legnica SATYRYKON 2014post-competition exhibition opening –ul. NMP in Legnica (near Satyrykon Knave Statue)13th June 2014, 5.00 p.m.(before opening – unveiling of memory tables dedicated toZygmunt Januszewski and Tomasz Jura) FLORIAN DORU CRIHANA LEGNICA – satirical impressionsRING Gallery in Legnicaexhibition opening 13th June, 6.30 p.m. GEORGE VAN RAEMDONCK – drawingsSATYRYKON Gallery …

SATYRYKON Legnica 2014 Przeczytaj całość

International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2014

Jacek Staniszewski Satyrykon has been for years one of the most important and prestigious international competitions in its category. It has always stood out with the extent and quality of the selected works. This year it also distinguishes from the previous editions with a spirited, in my opinion, organisers’ decision: a jury comprising only women. …

International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2014 Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon Needles awarded

It’s the second edition of Satyrykon Needles, the idea which broadens Satyrykon Festival scope. They are awarded in the category of Personality by the chapter of six consisting of, apart from the idea creators, various representatives of media, culture and art spheres every year. The nominees in turn, include representatives of different disciplines, the Personalities …

Satyrykon Needles awarded Przeczytaj całość

Kaja Renkas "Plakaty i grafiki"

Kaja Renkas “Posters and graphics”

It is the world created from old photographs, prints, old anatomy and mechanics handbooks, books of fauna and flora. Its interpretation seeking frequency repeats many characteristic motives like insect wings, cages and corsets, plants full of riches and ominous charm… Frankenstein-like constructions prove that anomaly has become the essence of existence and transgression has become …

Kaja Renkas “Posters and graphics” Przeczytaj całość

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