
Satyrykon 2016

Satyrykon 2016

regulaminpliki do pobrania (regulamin i karta zgłoszenia PDF) T i m e t a b l e:Deadline for works reception February 8, 2016(date of the postmark)Jury meeting February 19-21, 2016Post-competition exhibition June 8 – August 28, 2016Return of works after the exhibition cycle December 31, 2017

Ręka Bohdanowicza (1)

Bohdanowicz’s Hand

says the caption under the photo taken in 1986 at the jury meeting. At that time, that hand’s gesture was very meaningful indeed. Not only did it judge the verdicts, but it also drew both catalogue  covers (1987) of “Satyrykon i Fotożart” and “Mieszanka firmowa” – the publishing which summarised the competition and festival’s first …

Bohdanowicz’s Hand Przeczytaj całość


There are four cartoons by Witold Mysyrowicz at this year’s post-competition exhibition – quite a usual thing, and as usual (almost every year) they’ve been appreciated with a nomination. Furiously pink Palace of Culture used as a pole in an enthusiastic pole jump (into the joyful future?) can’t be forgotten, even after seeing 142 other …

Witold Mysyrowicz STRAIGHT INTO THE EYES Przeczytaj całość

ANDREI POPOV – drawings

In his pictures our every-day trivial moments become significant. People are depicted according to the most basic rhythm – night and day, atmospheric phenomena and seasons of the year. Actually they face the most important issues. Between spirit and body, senses and reflection, life and art, microcosmoses of their apartments, beds or chairs and macrocosmoses. …

ANDREI POPOV – drawings Przeczytaj całość

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