
Satyrykon 2015. Exhibition index

Satyrykon 2015 Vladimir ABROYAN (AM) Creative enthusiasm at the funeral of illusionistMirosław ADAMCZYK (PL) VGR 100, XXXHector APOSTOLOPOULOS (GR) 100 HedgehogsBartolomé Matas ATIENZA (E) XXXHalit Kurtulnus AYTOSLU (TR) GuillotineWitold Marian BARBARA (S) Rats plagueCristina BERNAZZANI (I) My last lucky starŁukasz BOGDAN (PL) Celebrities’ Contest ShowKatarzyna BOGUCKA (PL) Sale **Marina BONDARENKO (RUS) XXXTomasz BRODA (PL) Freedom, Reminding women of mine while cleaning cat’s litter boxPrzemysław BUKOWSKI (PL) FacebookolozisAngelo CAMPANER (I) XXXMarco DE ANGELIS (I) InspirationPaweł DELEKTA (PL) New music in Paris, SmileLuc DESCHEEMAEKER (B) Teddy **, BublesLex DREWIŃSKI (D/PL) Double work **, Rainbow – Russian wayMakhmudjon ESHONKULOV (UZ) Create condition for young artistJacek FRĄCKIEWICZ (PL) WindmillMaciej FRONCZAK (PL) PiscesIwona GABRYŚ (PL) Royal Baby number 2Ehsan GANJI (IR) XXXAlessandro GATTO (I) Reflection **, At a pier, …

Satyrykon 2015. Exhibition index Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon 2016 - werdykt jury

Jury verdict Satyrykon 2016

The  protocol of the jury session of International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2016 20 February 2016 Jury represented by: The chairman GABRIEL KOŁAT (PL) Members MOHAMMAD AMIN AGHAEI (IR) RIBER HANSSON (S) SEBASTIAN KUBICA (PL) LUIS HUMBERTO MARCOS (P) ELŻBIETA PIETRASZKO (PL) ANDREI POPOV (RUS) SZYMON SZYMANKIEWICZ (PL) having seen 2.519 works by 741 authors, …

Jury verdict Satyrykon 2016 Przeczytaj całość

Jury verdict Satyrykon 2015

The  protocolof the jury session of International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 201521 February 2015 Jury represented by:The chairmanEUGENIUSZ SKORWIDER (PL) MembersBERNARD BOUTON (F)RUDY GHEYSENS (B)MONIKA HANULAK (PL)ELŻBIETA LASKOWSKA (PL)ELŻBIETA PIETRASZKO (PL)SERGEY SICHENKO (IL)JIRI SLIVA (CZ) having seen 2 222 works by 606 authors, who come from 51 countries of the world, the Jury has decided to …

Jury verdict Satyrykon 2015 Przeczytaj całość

Jury Satyrykonu 2016

Satyrykon 2016 Jury

Gabriel Kołat (PL) – chairmana graphic artist, lecturer at Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź and at Lodz University of Technology Riber Hansson (S)an illustrator, cartoonist Szymon Szymankiewicz (PL)a graphic artist, lecturer at University of Arts in Poznań Luis Humberto Marcos (P)a Director of PortoCartoon-World Festival, university lecturer Elżbieta Pietraszko (PL)Satyrykon 2016 program author and organizer …

Satyrykon 2016 Jury Przeczytaj całość

Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz czyli kalendarz 2016 (2)

Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz – Satyrykon calendar 2016

Making different kinds of diplomas and so called souvenirs had been his way for artistic independence since the beginning of his artistic life. He wanted them to last. He turned the creative ways of preventing them from being rolled and left under a table into an anecdote. One of many anecdotes which make up his …

Eugeniusz Get Stankiewicz – Satyrykon calendar 2016 Przeczytaj całość

"Bajki zwierzęce" Marty Marszałek cd. (2)

Marta Marszałek’s “Animal Tales”

The new exhibition at Satyrykon Gallery is the continuation of the presentation of Polish young artists. After Monika Hanulak and Katarzyna Bogucka it has come time to show another, different face of Polish newest illustration. Marta Marszałek (born 1987) is a graduate of Graphics Faculty at Gdańsk Fine Arts Academy. Shortly after graduation on 2012 …

Marta Marszałek’s “Animal Tales” Przeczytaj całość

Satyrykon Legnica 2015 Program

Satyrykon Legnica 2015 Program International ExhibitionSATYRYKON – Legnica 2015 19th June 2015 (Friday) 4 p.m – 5.p.m. (in front of Satyrykon Knave Statue) the concert of the group called “Sekcja Muzyczna Kołłątajowskiej Kuźni Prawdziwych Mężczyzn z Olą” post-competition exhibition opening – ul. NMP in Legnica (near Satyrykon Knave Statue)19th June 2015, 5 p.m.(before opening and handing …

Satyrykon Legnica 2015 Program Przeczytaj całość

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