Satyrykon Needles awarded

It’s the second edition of Satyrykon Needles, the idea which broadens Satyrykon Festival scope. They are awarded in the category of Personality by the chapter of six consisting of, apart from the idea creators, various representatives of media, culture and art spheres every year. The nominees in turn, include representatives of different disciplines, the Personalities which don’t comply with current trends and stereotypes, the ones who – as chapter state it – go against hypocrisy, the skin deep correctness and doubtful normality.

Each year the chapter appoint the nominees and then selects two winners. This year’s nominees comprised of 13 individuals including a film director, theatre director, composer, vocalist, black-death metal music group leader, columnists, cabaret artists and two drawers. This edition winners are Robert Górski, a cabaret artist, and Tymon Tymański – a composer, multi-instrumentalist, the leader of several music groups, a poet and novelist (last year’s nominee). Polish socio-cultural society might have been quite agitated and frustrated in some cases by the sensational Leonardo Di Caprio’s nomination for his role in “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Is this an indication that Satyrykon Needles initiative will evolve into international event?

The handing of the prizes will take place during this year’s Satyrykon. NEEDLES statue has been designed by Leszek Michalski, a Warsaw based sculptor. The statue follows the concept of high-heel shoes (in Polish called “needles”). The prize name also links to the title of the most important post-war satirical magazine in Poland, whose founder was Eryk Lipiński – A great Satyrykon’s Friend. This way it’s become yet another local tribute to his memory.

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