In accordance with the satirikon secular tradition, Legnica journalists met for the 31st time to select the Andrzej Waligórski Award. The journalistic jury selects a work of art from among Polish artists that conforms to the motto of the patron of the award: not to kick the lying one, not to swing at the hanging one, but to exterminate stupidity in all its manifestations.
from the meeting of the jury of the 31st edition of the Andrzej Waligórski Award
SATYRYKON Legnica – 2023
March 21, 2023
The jury composed of:
Honorata Rajca – chairwoman
Andrzej Andrzejewski – Radio Wrocław
Karolina Bieniek – Radio Wrocław
Wojciech Obremski – lca.pl
Grzegorz Żurawiński
Piotr Krzyżanowski
Paweł Pawlucy – TV Regionalna
Lilla Sadowska – lca.pl
Andrzej Trzeciak – Dyskusja o LEGNICY
After viewing the drawings of Polish authors – in accordance with the secular satiricon tradition – it decided unanimously to award this year’s prize in kind along with a diploma by PAWEŁ KUCZYÑSKI to SZYMON SZYMANKIEWICZ for his work “Does not offend.”
Thus, SZYMON SZYMANKIEWICZ is obliged to prepare a diploma for the winner of the Andrzej Waligórski prize, which will be awarded in the next edition of the SATYRYKON – Legnica 2024 competition.

The chairwoman of the jury, Honorata Rajca, noted the reality-embedded context of the satiricon proposals: “The journalists are close to reality and their choice perfectly reflects the public mood. Although laughter is medicine, we watched sad drawings today – it was difficult to choose a proposal that was unequivocally funny. However, the competition proposals perfectly fit the words of the patron of the award about exterminating stupidity in all its forms.”
“Already the title of the winning work explains its rather mocking, but consistent with the intentions of the competition patron, message. We see the Black Madonna with a child on a black background, but the halos are in the Polish national colors. The Mother of God does not offend, but only when she is interpolated. Not with EU stars or a rainbow flag, but just white and red,” added Grzegorz Zurawinski, who headed the journalistic jury for many years.