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Why EGO?

We still have questions: why EGO? What is behind the uneasy topic of the satirical contest? Filip (our satyricon boy, a characteristic sculpture on NMP Street in Legnica) decided to ask the chairman of the Artistic Council of Satyrykon – prof. Eugeniusz Skorwider and the originator of the topic – WHY EGO?


Why EGO?

The EGO is the conscious part of the human personality.

It means our identity.

It comes from Latin and means “I”.

The negative faces of the EGO are human EGOisms, EGOcentrisms and EGOtisms.

All this is strongly related to the condition of the human species.

It is the man and his EGO that are the subject of the satirical contest.


We wish you a high level of work.

Eugeniusz Skorwider


We accept works until January 5, 2023 by sending an application 📨 avileable on our website:

ℹ️ Rules and regulations:

We kindly remind you that you can submit a maximum of three works to the theme of EGO, and a maximum of three works to JOKE AND SATIRE. One participant can submit only one application via the form available on our website. Any subsequent entry will be considered invalid. If you have any questions or doubts regarding the entries, please contact the organizer by e-mail: