Satyrykon 2019 Grand Prix author: Seyed Ali MIRAEE (IRN)Communists Works awarded and commended I prize, gold medal, section: stop author: Sajad RAFEEI (IRN)A man hanging II prize, silver medal, section: stop author: Szymon SZYMANKIEWICZ (PL)Factory III prize, bronze medal, section: stop author: Nika JAWOROWSKA – DUCHLIŃSKA (PL)A dress distinction award, section: stop author: Andrei POPOV (RUS)Untouched snow distinction award, section: stop author: Jerzy GŁUSZEK (PL)untitled I prize, gold medal, section: joke and satire author: Michael MAYEVSKY (UA)untitled II prize, silver medal, section: joke and satire author: Sergey SICHENKO (ISR)Cell III prize, bronze medal, section: joke and satire author: Sergei BELOZEROV (RUS)Last leaf distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Shahrokh HEIDARI (FR)OFF – ON! distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Oleg DERGACHOV (CAN) Menu Special awards Mayor of Legnica award author: Norbert SARNECKI (RO)Cat Director of Legnica Culture Centre award author: Jerzy ZBORUCKI (PL) The moment of truth – The truth of the moment Satyrykon`s Andrzej Tomiałojć Foundation author: Stanisław GAJEWSKI (PL) Warsaw in construction Director of Museum of Caricature in Warsaw award author: Filip CIŚLAK (PL)Boar business 1 – 3 The Andrzej Waligórski award of Legnica journalists author: Bartosz BIENIAS (PL)The Boar Would you like to see more awarded works? Go to the Competition Gallery see it!