Grand Prix Satyrykonu 2016 author: Gerhard GEPP (A) Closed Prace nagrodzone i wyróżnione - Satyrykon 2016 I prize, gold medal, section: evil author: Grzegorz MYĆKA (PL) untitled II prize, silver medal, section: evil author: Houmayoun MAHMOUDI (GB) untitled III prize, bronze medal, section: evil author: Jerzy GŁUSZEK (PL) Soldier distinction award, section: evil author: Łukasz KLIŚ (PL) Rec.ydywa / Hejtler UWAGA – dwie różne prace! distinction award, section: evil author: Aristides HERNANDEZ (CU) untitled I prize, gold medal, section: joke and satire author: Mihai IGNAT (RO) untitled II prize, silver medal, section: joke and satire author: Alessandro GATTO (I) untitled III prize, bronze medal, section: joke and satire author: Andrea PECCHIA (I) You are here distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Lex DREWIŃSKI (PL/D) Li(F)e distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Ilya KATZ (IL) Freedom of expression Nagrody specjalne Mayor of Legnica award author: Leszek ŻEBROWSKI (PL) Polonicus lupus Director of Legnica Culture Centre award author: Blagovesta TSVETKOVA (BG) untitled Satyrykon`s Andrzej Tomiałojć Foundation author: Bretislav KOVARIK (CZ) untitled Director of Museum of Caricature in Warsaw award author: Izabela KOWALSKA-WIECZOREK (PL) Family life The Andrzej Waligórski award of Legnica journalists author: Tomasz WIATER (PL) Pinocchio Would you like to see more awarded works? GO TO THE COMPETITION GALLERY VIEW!