Grand Prix Satyrykonu 2015 autor: Andrei POPOV (RU) Ilusionist Works awarded and commended - Satyrykon 2015 I prize, gold medal, section: enthusiasm author: Katarzyna BOGUCKA (PL) Wyprzedaż II prize, silver medal, section: enthusiasm author: Robert KEMPISTY (PL) bez tytułu III prize, bronze medal, section: enthusiasm author: Mirosław GRYŃ (PL) Metoda distinction award, section: enthusiasm author: Agim SULAJ (I) bez tytułu distinction award, section: enthusiasm author: Milena MOLENDA (PL) bez tytułu I prize, gold medal, section: joke and satire author: Alessandro GATTO (I) Odbicie II prize, silver medal, section: joke and satire author: Lex DREWIŃSKI (PL/D) Double work III prize, bronze medal, section: joke and satire author: Artur LIGENZA (PL) Dzień Kobiet distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Pol LEURS (L) Bez przyszłości distinction award, section: joke and satire author: Marcin WAWRZASZEK (PL) Europa 2015 Special awards Mayor of Legnica award author: Andrea PECCHIA (I) Enthusiasmus Director of Legnica Culture Centre award author: Luc DESCHEEMAEKER (B) Miś Satyrykon`s Andrzej Tomiałojć Foundation author: Saman TORABI (IR) Dream of peacock Director of Museum of Caricature in Warsaw award author: Paweł STAŃCZYK (PL) W stronę słońca The Andrzej Waligórski award of Legnica journalists author: Katarzyna KSIĘŻOPOLSKA (PL) Czysty entuzjazm Would you like to see more awarded works? GO TO THE COMPETITION GALLERY View!