Works awarded and commended - Satyrykon 1984 gold medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Veikko WALSTRÖM (SF) Great at Blow silver medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Veikko WALSTRÖM (SF) Nothing silver medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Vasil STANKO (CS) untitled bronze medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Antoni GŁODKIEWICZ (PL) untitled bronze medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Marian KOSTRZEWSKI (PL) In a workshop bronze medal, group A (pure photography) / Photojoke author: Heng KOK HUAT (SGP) Draught gold medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Maciej KOSTUN (PL) Self-censored silver medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Marek CZARNECKI (PL) Sun set – stereo version silver medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Siegfried PRÖLSS (DDR) Weekend in the country silver medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Wiktor BEDNARCZUK (PL) Fake smiles bronze medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Mieczysław DAŃKO (PL) Subjective bronze medal, group B (photomontage, collage) / Photojoke author: Apolinary KUROWSKI (PL) Size distinction award / Photojoke author: Wiktor BEDANRCZUK (PL) Man of good work distinction award / Photojoke author: Jan BORTKIEWICZ (PL) Bulb distinction award / Photojoke author: Jan BORTKIEWICZ (PL) Holiday postcard designs distinction award / Photojoke author: Dariusz MOKOSA (PL) Miss-Expo 83 distinction award / Photojoke author: Sławomir WOŹNIAK (PL) Foto-morgana FOTOGRAFIA magazine editorial team awar author: Josef CHUDOBA (CS) untitled Association of Polish Photographical Artist Management Board diploma author: Maciej STAWIŃSKI (PL) untitled Would you like to see more awarded works? GO TO THE COMPETITION GALLERY VIEW!